End of the Week Update

I’ve been so lazy with this blog lately.

It’s like I’ve lost the drive to write about the events, thoughts, cares, and things of that nature, of my life.

Hmm. Maybe my current life is too routine and find that I would be writing about the same things, day after day, week after week, month after month; which, in return, would lead to a boring blog (like it’s that exciting to begin with). Meh. Whatever.

Tonight I watched The Illusionist. I am a mild Ed Norton fan and thought I’d give it a go – I had nothing else to do.

The movie was very good. I was surprised that the movie was able to capture my full attention, which is a difficult feat! Has anyone else seen the movie?

Since I mentioned Ed Norton, I have to mention the movie that brought him to my attention: Death to Smoochy. I don’t know what it is about this movie, but I absolutely LOVE it.

Now, my opinion about the movie Marie Antoinette isn’t so… nice. But, I will say… watching one of her children being placed on the horse drawn carriage to be buried brought me to tears. I can not imagine, nor do I want imagine, what it is like to loose a child. I don’t know how people can get over such a loss. I have no idea, nor do I want to know, what life would be like without Amelia.

There is more thought and emotion behind the talk of loosing a child.

I had a very bad dream last night. One of those dreams that don’t leave you.

In my dream, Greg, Amelia, and I were staying in a motel. Amelia was sleeping in another room from Greg and me. Greg and I were sitting on the bed when I heard a noise. I asked Greg if he heard it too and he stated he did not. We sat quiet for a few minutes and then we both heard something. Greg gets up and charges full speed into the other room where Amelia is and tackles whomever is in there. I hear the commotion of a fight and then silence. During this time I call 911 and decide to walk into the room to see what’s going on. Greg, Amelia, and the stranger were sitting on the floor; Greg and Amelia closest to me. As soon as I stepped foot into the entrance way, the stranger picked up a gun and shot at Greg! Then he aimed the gun at Amelia.

At that point, I was still on the phone with 911 and screaming that my husband and my baby were just shot. I ran out of the motel room screaming. My chest felt so heavy; my legs felts so heavy. I couldn’t breath, there was such a pressure on my chest – it hurt. Everything in me hurt.

I ran back into the motel room to check on Greg and Amelia and felt such an overwhelming sense of relief when I saw that Greg was still alive and well (the bullet only grazed him) and Amelia was unharmed.

I woke up at this point with adrenaline still surging through me; my heart was racing, my breathing was rapid –  it was as if I really ‘lived’ the dream. The dream was so real I had to check on Greg and Amelia to make sure they were ok.

I did fall back asleep and the dream continued where it left off, but not as heart aching as the beginning.

When I was telling Greg about the dream and all the things I felt, during the dream and afterwards when I was awake, he told me he had a very bad dream last week about loosing Amelia. In his dream a couple came into our place and kidnapped Amelia.

Now, I am not going to think about the fact that Greg and I, both, had dreams, within a week of each other, about loosing Amelia (or the closeness of loosing her). That would make me paranoid. But, it’s a little unsettling to have the dream I had and then hear about Greg’s.

Moving on to a less depressing topic….

Hurricane Hannah is, possibly, on her way up the East Cost and could ‘hit’ Maryland. A lot of people in the area are expecting/anticipating the adventures we had with Hurricane Isabel back in 2003. Oh, the memories from Hurricane Isabel. I was living in Catsonville (on the border of Baltimore City – it was a bad area and is still a bad area – so bad, there was a murder at the apartment complex! No joke), Adam and I were recently married – like a month prior – and I was working 2 jobs, one being at a grocery store in Ellicott City. Well, i had just stocked the freezer full of meat – like $80 worth (the grocery store had a buy one, get one free on roasts, hamburger meat, chicken, etc – it was an awesome sale and I received an employee discount of 10%). Anyway, the storm made its arrival and it started out uneventful… then, within a few hours we were without power (but still could cook because we had a gas stove). The power remained off for 8 days. Oh, and the apartment complex had the brilliant idea to convert all the entrance doors, a mere few weeks prior, to electronic doors, where you have to enter in a number code to gain entrance, and… guess what… no power, no way to get in. I placed tape over the locking part so we could get back in and someone actually yelled at me because I was making the place ‘unsafe’. Umm… ok. Oh, and the two highlights of the storm were the ‘fireworks’ (read: transformers blowing up all over the place) and driving in the storm – hey, I needed ice to save the meat!

So, to Hannah I say: Bring it on!

So. I must mention how much I LOVE this book:

Awesome Book

Best PS5 "How To' book out there

I swear the book was written just for me. I understand so much now, about Photoshop Elements 5, that I am looking forward to creating some really neat photo projects, such as our wedding announcements (which I already have an amazing idea for)!

Also, I am also in love with the XTi; I don’t know how I lived without an SLR all my life. The clarity of the pictures taken by the XTi far exceed my expectations:

all the pictures were taken with the “nifty fifty” lens, which, at the moment, is probably my favorite lens. I am so eager to get out this weekend, storm pending, and take some pictures with the XTi.

Well, another late post and I should head to bed.

Just a Quickie

  • Work = Stressful! They are now training me on a whole new program for a whole new territory and I am still expected to do EVERYTHING else they’ve thrown at me. Umm…, yeah… I’ve been coming into work an hour early every day this week to get a head start on the work I didn’t finish the night before only to be thrown into a three day training that takes up five and a half hours of my nine hour work day (including the extra hour of coming in and NOT including the lunch hour that I actually work through). I’m going to have to have a talk with a certain someone soon. But, the OT is great!
  • Greg took the day off today. And, guess what he did…. HE CLEANED THE WHOLE CONDO!! Yes, he actually cleaned, dusted, vacuumed, did all the laundry and thew all the trash away. He also went through the closets and threw away the items that we no long need or use. He was pretty busy today. We’re not completely done with the ‘Condo Purge of 2008’ but that’s what Saturday is for.
  • The Dark Knight is fucking awesome! We saw it last night with a group of co-workers and LOVED IT. My only complaint would be Christian Bale as Batman (only); I could not stand the way he talked. When he was playing the Bruce Wayne character, it was all good (kinda kinky, in a sense, because I had watched American Psycho a few weeks ago and was thinking of that character and the Bruce Wayne character… but that’s me). Personally, my favorite Batman was played by Val Kilmer (followed by Michael Keaton). Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker is… indescribable. He was beyond perfect. I loved the Jack Nicholson Joker too, and I fell in-love with the Joker because of Jack Nicholson’s performance (and I just loved the character.period.) and how the voice fit the personality “Where does he get those wonderful toys?” (one of my favorite lines in the movie)… but Heath’s performance was beyond Jack Nicholson’s. Really, I can’t describe how good this movie is. I told Greg earlier tonight that I want to go see it again, and that the Dark Knight was better than Transformers… Greg agreed with me.
  • So looking forward to going to the beach next week. We were looking at the weather forecast and it’s looking like we’re going to have cloudy days… but that’s fine with me.
  • My Mom and step-dad took Amelia to the National Zoo today and she had a blast! I can’t wait to see the pictures. It’s kind of weird to think that when Greg and I went I was pregnant with her… so, in an odd sense, she’s been there twice.
  • Going to a family reunion on Sunday. Kind of wish I didn’t commit to going; I’d rather have a whole weekend to myself.
  • My best-est friend, Michele, just got engaged! I’m so excited for her
  • Starting to get scared about my dental appointment on Monday
  • Greg and I had a pretty deep conversation last night about depression (and how is could, depending on the type of depression, lead to suicide) and marriage (but not marriage and depression combined). It all started as we were talking about Heath Ledger and his death. I felt there could have been a possibility of suicide and mixing the medications he took was his means of death – I’m not saying that is what he did, as in his death was intentional (ie suicide), but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was. Either way, his death could have been a 50/50 of accidental and intentional, and we’ll never know. I commented to Greg that suicide is more common than we are probably aware (in the movie/acting industry – as well as everyday people) and he doubted me! He doesn’t think/feel suicide is as big as I view it to be. I know someone (in my immediate family) that tried to commit suicide and he failed. His life hasn’t improved much over the last 10-15 years – due to his actions of pretty much alienating himself from his family and not seeking help for his alcoholism (and I could go on), so I could agree that my opinion about suicide is biased, but still… to think that suicide is not a frequent, or common, ‘thing’ blows me away.
  • Yeah, this was suppose to be a ‘quickie’… but it ended up being a little longer than I had intended to be..
  • Time for bed!

Busy Bee

Work has been kicking my ass this week. Yesterday I stayed until 8pm! I was going to stay again tonight but I had one of the worst days in a while and was pretty much “fuck this! I’m not staying any longer than need be”

I believe that every women I spoke with today had PMS. And, I was on the verge of loosing it and screaming a those women and telling them to “Shut the fuck UP and let me finish my sentience!!” because NO ONE would let me finish what I was trying to say because they were too busy screaming at the top of their lungs (into the phone) and cursing me out. I have never, in my life, been called a bitch so many times as I have today (or in general for that matter). It was a bad day for me.

To add to that, I had to make an appointment with the dentist because the tooth that I broke earlier this month is starting to act up. I have never had problems with my teeth prior to getting pregnant, but I’ve learned that when a women is pregnant, the baby ‘takes’ all the calcium from the mother’s body and usually the teeth are the ones most effected. Sure seems to be true for me. Needless to say, I’m petrified of this visit given my last two experiences with the dentist; so much so that I’ve requested light sedation and the dentist prescribed something for me to take before the appointment… I can’t remember the name of the drug, but whatever.. I’ll take it.

Also, on the list today, I began my search for a Ob/Gyn because… I have even MORE reasons to be paranoid about being (possibly) pregnant. I know, I am such a procrastinator (and that’s all I’m going to admit to), but these new ‘symptoms’ are starting to push me. What are they? Well, for the last week and a half I’ve had severe nausea in the afternoon, usually within a half hour to an hour after eating lunch; for the past week and a half my boobs (both of them this time) have been sore and ‘feel’ different – like… fuller and they look fuller to me (Greg says he doesn’t see any difference); and the sinker is when I stand up quickly I get this sharp-ish pulling pain in my lower abdomen (more in the hip/pelvic area) and the last time I felt those was the Summer of 2006 (when I was preggers and didn’t know), and when I mentioned this to my old Ob/Gyn (because I made an appointment due to the sore boob for nearly a month – and it was time for my annual), he said it was probably due to a shift of my intestines (did loose nearly 40lbs in 5 months) brought on by my sudden movement. And, to me that made sense. Yeah… not believing it this time. So, it’s time for me to suck it up and find out once and for all.

I told Greg all of this earlier tonight (after we had sex… talk about a ‘just after’ mood killer) to gage his feelings about ‘what could be’, and … he’s cool with it (sorta). He did say that he was going to have a vasectomy once Baby #2 is born (so I don’t have to remain on birth control – and he knows how much I hate being on b/c). Then, he joked that he must have some mighty sperm or something – and I replied with something along the lines of “yeah.. and my body can resist the powers of b/c”… meh, at least he was light hearted about it. Which, I guess could be because one of his best friends, Tim and Brooke, are going to have a baby girl this fall and another co-worker of his (the one that invited us to their wedding in NY this past May) just found out she’s pregnant and due in February 2009 (she did the math and realized she got pregnant on her wedding night!); so maybe he’s getting the ‘baby bug’ or something (like he would ever admit to that… LOL).

My step-dad’s eBay sales are exceeding my expectations! He’s actually got nearly $2000 worth of bids on the items I listed for him! I still have one more to list, but I need to call him first… something I’ve been meaning to do for the last two nights.

The UPS Guy is leaving love notes again. I’ve been waiting for my Target order all week and tonight was the second night that s/he left ANOTHER stupid sticky note on the door – how anal are these people about the signature and name? Geez!

This weekend we are heading down to Mom’s and we’re going to leave Amelia with her since the babysitter is going to the Bahama’s until the 30th (babysitters daughter is in a dance competition or something). I have to finish packing Amelia clothes and toys and make sure I send all the little odds and ends down (baby Tylenol; enough diapers; de-tangler spray, etc). I’m already missing Amelia and she hasn’t left yet. These last few weeks have been … jaw dropping with Amelia’s rapid development; her verbal skills are better than those who are two or older, she’s actually begun counting objects (such as her fingers, Cheerios, etc)… it’s all so… freaky! I’m seriously blown away; yet I want more! It’s hard to explain, at least for me.

Greg and I are going to our first O’s game this Sunday. The O’s are having a “We Win, You Win 2” promotion, which is “…all fans in attendance at the 1:35 p.m. game on Sunday, July 20 against the Detroit Tigers will receive two complimentary tickets in the same seating category to any future non-prime game, if the Orioles win.” and we’re going to buy tickets in the “all you can eat” seats!

Next Wednesday night a group of us are meeting at a local restaurant for dinner and then we’re going to see the new Batman movie.

And, the last week of July we are going to Ocean City! Amelia’s first beach trip!!! I can’t wait. It’s been ages (ok, May 2005) since I swam in the Atlantic Ocean. This past Monday I bought a new bathing suit from Sears and I’ve pretty excited. Greg reserved a nice hotel room right on the Boardwalk!

We’ve got a pretty busy social calander for the remainder of the month, and I couldn’t be happier!!

Busy Bee

Work has been kicking my ass this week. Yesterday I stayed until 8pm! I was going to stay again tonight but I had one of the worst days in a while and was pretty much “fuck this! I’m not staying any longer than need be”

I believe that every women I spoke with today had PMS. And, I was on the verge of loosing it and screaming a those women and telling them to “Shut the fuck UP and let me finish my sentience!!” because NO ONE would let me finish what I was trying to say because they were too busy screaming at the top of their lungs (into the phone) and cursing me out. I have never, in my life, been called a bitch so many times as I have today (or in general for that matter). It was a bad day for me.

To add to that, I had to make an appointment with the dentist because the tooth that I broke earlier this month is starting to act up. I have never had problems with my teeth prior to getting pregnant, but I’ve learned that when a women is pregnant, the baby ‘takes’ all the calcium from the mother’s body and usually the teeth are the ones most effected. Sure seems to be true for me. Needless to say, I’m petrified of this visit given my last two experiences with the dentist; so much so that I’ve requested light sedation and the dentist prescribed something for me to take before the appointment… I can’t remember the name of the drug, but whatever.. I’ll take it.

Also, on the list today, I began my search for a Ob/Gyn because… I have even MORE reasons to be paranoid about being (possibly) pregnant. I know, I am such a procrastinator (and that’s all I’m going to admit to), but these new ‘symptoms’ are starting to push me. What are they? Well, for the last week and a half I’ve had severe nausea in the afternoon, usually within a half hour to an hour after eating lunch; for the past week and a half my boobs (both of them this time) have been sore and ‘feel’ different – like… fuller and they look fuller to me (Greg says he doesn’t see any difference); and the sinker is when I stand up quickly I get this sharp-ish pulling pain in my lower abdomen (more in the hip/pelvic area) and the last time I felt those was the Summer of 2006 (when I was preggers and didn’t know), and when I mentioned this to my old Ob/Gyn (because I made an appointment due to the sore boob for nearly a month – and it was time for my annual), he said it was probably due to a shift of my intestines (did loose nearly 40lbs in 5 months) brought on by my sudden movement. And, to me that made sense. Yeah… not believing it this time. So, it’s time for me to suck it up and find out once and for all.

I told Greg all of this earlier tonight (after we had sex… talk about a ‘just after’ mood killer) to gage his feelings about ‘what could be’, and … he’s cool with it (sorta). He did say that he was going to have a vasectomy once Baby #2 is born (so I don’t have to remain on birth control – and he knows how much I hate being on b/c). Then, he joked that he must have some mighty sperm or something – and I replied with something along the lines of “yeah.. and my body can resist the powers of b/c”… meh, at least he was light hearted about it. Which, I guess could be because one of his best friends, Tim and Brooke, are going to have a baby girl this fall and another co-worker of his (the one that invited us to their wedding in NY this past May) just found out she’s pregnant and due in February 2009 (she did the math and realized she got pregnant on her wedding night!); so maybe he’s getting the ‘baby bug’ or something (like he would ever admit to that… LOL).

My step-dad’s eBay sales are exceeding my expectations! He’s actually got nearly $2000 worth of bids on the items I listed for him! I still have one more to list, but I need to call him first… something I’ve been meaning to do for the last two nights.

The UPS Guy is leaving love notes again. I’ve been waiting for my Target order all week and tonight was the second night that s/he left ANOTHER stupid sticky note on the door – how anal are these people about the signature and name? Geez!

This weekend we are heading down to Mom’s and we’re going to leave Amelia with her since the babysitter is going to the Bahama’s until the 30th (babysitters daughter is in a dance competition or something). I have to finish packing Amelia clothes and toys and make sure I send all the little odds and ends down (baby Tylenol; enough diapers; de-tangler spray, etc). I’m already missing Amelia and she hasn’t left yet. These last few weeks have been … jaw dropping with Amelia’s rapid development; her verbal skills are better than those who are two or older, she’s actually begun counting objects (such as her fingers, Cheerios, etc)… it’s all so… freaky! I’m seriously blown away; yet I want more! It’s hard to explain, at least for me.

Greg and I are going to our first O’s game this Sunday. The O’s are having a “We Win, You Win 2” promotion, which is “…all fans in attendance at the 1:35 p.m. game on Sunday, July 20 against the Detroit Tigers will receive two complimentary tickets in the same seating category to any future non-prime game, if the Orioles win.” and we’re going to buy tickets in the “all you can eat” seats!

Next Wednesday night a group of us are meeting at a local restaurant for dinner and then we’re going to see the new Batman movie.

And, the last week of July we are going to Ocean City! Amelia’s first beach trip!!! I can’t wait. It’s been ages (ok, May 2005) since I swam in the Atlantic Ocean. This past Monday I bought a new bathing suit from Sears and I’ve pretty excited. Greg reserved a nice hotel room right on the Boardwalk!

We’ve got a pretty busy social calander for the remainder of the month, and I couldn’t be happier!!

Lazy Saturday

Amelia in Daddy's hat

 The picture above is my favorite picture taken today. Amelia loves Greg’s Seattle Seahawks hat. At times, she will sit on the floor sucking her thumb and holding onto his hat. Amelia is so attached to Greg; it’s so adorable.

Greg and I were so lazy in the beginning of the day. We didn’t get dressed until 2pm! Once we were out and about, I went to three different pawn places to try and sell my old ring. One placed offered $25 while another offered $125. I didn’t sell it. Greg thinks I can get more from an actual jewelry dealer than a pawn shop.

Once we were done with the pawn shops, we drove all the way over to Columbia to get Greg’s dress pants from the dry cleaners and then we headed over to Marley Mall to do a little shoe shopping and to see if Amelia can see Santa. Well, we got the shoes for me but no Santa for Amelia. The prices for the pictures were more than we wanted. What happened to the days when you got a Polaroid picture for like $7? The minimum for the picture was $25; the wait in line wasn’t worth it. Instead, we played around the set up. Amelia loves to crawl all over objects now a days.

So, it looks like my wish for the weather has come true and our plans for the Company Holiday Party is still on and Greg paid for the limo earlier this afternoon. I am so freaking excited! We’re going to be riding in this limo, a 2007 Pearl White Cadillac Escalade. The plan is to meet everyone at Greg’s office around 4:30-4:45pm load up and head out. Have I mentioned how excited I am about tomorrow night??!!

After the mall, we came home and watched a little A&E, fed Amelia, bathed Amelia, and she was out by 7:30! Earliest she’s gone to bed all week! Once Amelia was in bed, Greg and I started cleaning up the condo and worked on the laundry.

Right now, as I type, the dryer just buzzed and Greg just finished folding Amelia’s clothes while watching Godfather II (I’ve never seen any of the Godfather movies but Greg states this is the best one). Earlier this week, I watched a movie titled .45. I don’t know what to say about the movie, yet I couldn’t stop watching it. In a sense, it reminded me a little about that Jennifer Lopez movie, Enough, about a girl and her revenge. I don’t know if I would recommend .45 to anyone. On the plus side, it had Angus Macfadyen (the guy that played Robert the Bruce in Braveheart) as one of the main characters and he was hot (in my opinion) and on occasion his Scottish accent would come out and I would begin to melt under the covers.

Moving on…

Last week, as I was recovering from the trip to the dentist, I was looking at Davids Bridal website and found something that I think would make an awesome party/wedding favor: 

Fall Photo Album 

Fall themed photo albums! I showed them to Greg and he liked them! There are other items that I liked and marked as a favorite so I can remember them. I just hope that when Greg and I are finally ready to start planning our wedding the items will still be available!

 Oh! And something more exciting! The laptop is in PA at last stalking to DHL’s website and is scheduled to be delivered on Monday!!!  I get to play with my Christmas gift early. I can’t wait!!